Sunday, August 6, 2017

Morse Code

I've always had an interest in Morse Code.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's the minimalistic nature?  Maybe it's the challenge.  Maybe it's just a nerdy thing to do.  Whatever the reason, I decided to take the plunge a few months ago.

It has been challenging.  Memorizing the dits and dahs was easy enough, but learning them "by ear" is taking longer than I had hoped.  While there are quite a few videos online purporting to teach you morse code "quickly", none of them have delivered on their promise from my vantage.  Maybe it's a problem of semantics.  Maybe I'm just too impatient.  I'm learning it slowly, but steadily with hard work and perseverance.

Here are some things that help me:

  • Listen to the code faster - not slower.  Leave the space between characters long, but turn the character speed up.  I find 30WPM easier than 20WPM most of the time.
  • It takes lots of practice.  Expect months, not days to become proficient.
  • Try to make it fun.
    • I purchased a few apps for my phone.  Each is different and helps keep it fresh.
    • Interact with people that have a passion for Morse Code and are willing to help you out.
  • Practice both sending and listening.  They reinforce each other and are different skills.
  • Don't be afraid to put in some time.
HF gear is expensive, and requires a commitment of time and learning.  While QRP CW is my ultimate goal, I decided to find a way to practice Morse Code with others online.  I found the Morsepower blog online and got started with CWCOM.  Gerry has written some very helpful pages and you'll likely find him online as GEMS if you setup CWCOM.  He's very patient and helpful.  Check out the Morsepower Blog!


Get some apps, a morse key, and get on the air or use CWCOM and learn Morse Code.  Most of all have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention of my blog (morsepower) I used to help people as and when they came on to cwcom, with "bits & pieces" of info relative to their needs, however, I decided that it would be much easier for me, and them to refer back to something, if they needed to ... so I started the blog..

    As a point of interest... I have been on CWCOM for 4 years, although it has been running for about 15 yrs, and since Jan 1st 2017 to present date ( Nov 18 2017 ) I have just recorded my 1000th qso on there. I also keep my own "QRZ" list, and have over 750 registered callsigns since 4 yrs .

    Always welcome to come on CWCOM and chat, for practice whatever speed/experience you have.... don`t be shy.... we all started off slow and unsure.... !

    73 DE GEMS VA (see you soon) DIT DIT
